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Meet Our Counseling Team

Magwe Althemon 865-304-0832

Maburuki Jean     865-323-0431

Mbitswenimana 865-455-6228

Ntahondabagiriye Marc 856-243-0292

Habiyakare Maria   865-200-7406

Ndayiziga Jean Cloud 865-236-7844

Minani Michel 865-315-5056

Our counselors help community members by advising them of the importance of learning the English language and becoming citizens of the United States. They also provide marriage and family counseling, guidance and career counseling, and educational counseling. All counselors are lawful permanent residents (LPR) with a Green Card and are Sodela members, officers, or church elders. 

We minister to more 100 families from Africa (Burundi, Tanzania , Congo and Rwanda), most of whom do not speak English. Thus it was imperative to form their own church where Kirundi is spoken. This official language of Burundi is also spoken in adjacent parts of Tanzania and Congo-Kinshasa, as well as in Uganda.

























Counseling Project

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